Meet the Team – Chief Commercial Officer

by | Sep 18, 2024

At Klayr, all of our founders have a big vision for the future of Web3, but our Chief Commercial Officer, Jurre Machielsen, is always the one thinking about unique applications for our blockchain technology and exploring exciting commercial opportunities for Klayr Labs.


Tell us a bit about yourself.

I currently live with my girlfriend in Breda, a charming town in the Netherlands. It’s a place that offers a good balance of peace and vibrancy—perfect for someone like me who enjoys reflecting on life while also embracing new experiences. Before Breda, I grew up in Amerongen, a picturesque village in the middle of the Netherlands, in nature. I’ve always loved the serenity there. 

I’ve always been a dreamer. I spend much time pondering the world, people, and the future, constantly seeking to understand how things work. Learning is something that excites me, and I often find myself diving into books, podcasts, or thought-provoking conversations. As a visual thinker, I absorb ideas best when seeing how they connect and play out in the real world.

After high school, I started with a degree in Building Engineering and later pursued Innovation Sciences. It was during the process of writing my thesis that I really stumbled into the world of blockchain. I became fascinated by the technology and its potential. I thrive on trying new things and love to dive into projects that spark my interest. Recently, that has meant working on my house, and last year, I created a murder mystery game for my family. Last month, I switched gears and took a Bob Ross painting workshop. 


What are your passions and hobbies?

Music has been a constant in my life ever since I picked up the guitar at the age of nine. Over the years, I’ve played electric and acoustic in our cover band, just for fun. A little bit of singing for my own enjoyment. 

Another passion of mine is reading biographies and watching biopics. There’s something fascinating about diving into someone else’s life story, seeing the world through their eyes, and learning about their struggles and triumphs. It’s eye-opening to realize how much randomness and luck play into success and failure.

Every life is shaped by unexpected turns, opportunities, and choices, for better or worse.

What’s especially intriguing is that everyone’s story, no matter where they end up, is unique and valuable. I often think about how little we know about the full life stories of even our closest friends—the choices, tragedies, and moments of luck that shaped who they are today. It’s endlessly fascinating.

When I’m not immersed in music or stories, I love to stay active. Walking and cycling are my go-to ways to clear my mind and reconnect with my surroundings. In those quiet moments, I often get ideas or can connect thoughts. 

If all of this wasn’t enough, I also go through periods where I get really into cooking, trying out new things and learning from my brother and father-in-law. A while ago we made our own bao buns from scratch with some beef from the kamado grill and sweet and sour cucumber/onions. Really loved it!


What brought you to Web3?

My curiosity about Bitcoin began with a simple question: What exactly is this technology, and why do early adopters believe it will hold value over time? I had a basic understanding of the financial landscape from reading a few books, but I wasn’t deeply familiar with the intricacies of monetary systems. The whole concept of Bitcoin seemed both fascinating and strange.

I remember watching a documentary about Bitcoin back in 2013 and being puzzled. There was no official website or centralized place to understand how to get one or how it worked. It felt elusive. What I didn’t grasp at the time was that Bitcoin wasn’t just another app or platform—it was a back-end technology, fundamentally decentralized, which made it different from anything I had encountered before.

Determined to understand, I started diving deeper. I read the Bitcoin whitepaper, scoured online forums, and attended as many meetups as possible. Slowly, the pieces started coming together. I realized that this technology had the potential to be much more than just a replacement for traditional currencies. In fact, it might not even primarily serve that purpose. Instead, Bitcoin represented something much broader—an entirely new way to think about value, trust, and ownership in the digital age.

Around that time, I had already been building websites and apps with friends as a semi-serious hobby. We were always looking for ways to create something new. Discovering Bitcoin was like adding fuel to that fire—it wasn’t just 1 + 1 = 2, but rather 1 + 1 = 3. It opened up a world of possibilities and ignited a passion for exploring the potential of this emerging technology.


How do you envision the future of blockchain technology influencing everyday life?

This is an interesting question, and there are so many potential answers. I’ll focus on a few key areas that excite me:

First, the future will bring frictionless onboarding and identification processes. Imagine buying a car, opening a bank account, or selling your house—these actions will no longer revolve around endless paperwork or complicated processes. Instead, they’ll become entirely about the product or service itself. Approving legal documents or handling transactions will be seamless, eliminating the need for paper trails and manual verifications.

The same applies to businesses. Collaboration, administration, and tax processes will become far more efficient as data-driven proofs are easily available. Audits will be simpler, and collaborations will focus on the value of the project, rather than being bogged down by legal red tape. The shift will allow businesses to invest more in innovation and less in bureaucracy.

We’re also likely to see collaborative loyalty programs across industries. Imagine attending a festival with a discount or gaining access through an invite-only list, thanks to a loyalty program you earned at a completely unrelated clothing store. While these things are possible today, the integration process is complex and resource-heavy. In the future, these systems will be so seamless for businesses that they’ll leverage them without any additional overhead, focusing purely on their values and testing what works to retain loyal customers.

One of the most exciting developments—especially in the Web3 space—will be the rise of decentralized online collaborations. Individuals will work together within online organizations known as DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), joining forces on projects with common goals. This could even replace traditional freelancing, where working for multiple DAOs becomes a standard way of operating.

And on a larger scale, I hope we’ll see global regulatory alignment as blockchain’s inherent decentralization pushes for a more unified approach across borders. It makes sense, given the global nature of the technology itself.

Lastly, the entire concept of onboarding and identification will be transformed. The tedious “create account” and “verify identity” steps will feel as easy as just signing in. Imagine applying for a mortgage as effortlessly as linking a social media account. You’d simply connect your wallet, reveal relevant information to the other party, and receive an instant response—whether it’s an approval, declination, or a request for further details. No delays, no paperwork, just a smooth, digital handshake.


What excites you the most about working with and at Klayr?

There are so many aspects of my work that excite me, but if I had to pick a few, it would be our team, the Web3 industry, and the constant need to innovate.

Working alongside passionate people, both in my team and in the broader Web3 space, brings me so much energy. I love the industry, but what really motivates me is learning together with others. It’s incredibly rewarding to collaborate, share knowledge, and see the growth in our team members. The fast pace of this industry requires us to learn a lot in a short period of time, and witnessing that growth—both individually and as a team—keeps me excited about our work, this ever-evolving industry, and the projects we’re building.

From a technological perspective, I’m incredibly enthusiastic about the potential of Web3. The possibilities are vast, and while there are risks, it’s thrilling to be in such a fast-moving space where innovation isn’t just encouraged—it’s necessary. The need to constantly innovate and adapt drives me, and there’s no shortage of opportunities to experiment and learn.

This is what makes Web3 so unique—the entire industry is still developing, and at the same time, we have to continuously reinvent ourselves. I enjoy that challenge, the excitement of exploring the unknown, and pushing boundaries in a space where the future is still being written. There’s so much room to grow, create, and shape what’s next, and I’m grateful to be part of that journey.


Can you share a pivotal moment or decision in your career that led you to become a founder?

My career path wasn’t the result of a specific decision, but rather a natural evolution of my interests. What began as hobby projects and experiments eventually led me to quit my side job and dive fully into this adventure. One of the pivotal moments in this journey was the choice to start Klayr.

It brought an incredible opportunity to actually pursue what I had been envisioning since I first entered the blockchain world: building an ecosystem around this revolutionary technology.

This project has massive potential, and the learning curve has been steep from day one. If the next year reflects even a fraction of the growth and progress we’ve experienced over the past few months, I’m more excited than ever for what’s ahead.


What’s the most challenging aspect of being a founder and CCO in such a dynamic field as Web3?

In the world of Web3, knowing what not to do has become just as important as deciding what to pursue. There are countless developments, endless things to explain, and constant scrutiny surrounding this space. On top of that, we face the usual startup challenges, amplified by the stigma that often comes with the blockchain label, especially when dealing with institutions.

I often feel the need to explain why blockchain is useful, why our technology matters, why ecosystems are evolving as they are, and why this industry isn’t defined by the negative stereotypes of bad actors. And that’s all before we even get to the technical side—questions like, What developments should we focus on? What integrations and collaborations are most important?

But at the end of the day, what I really need to focus on is simpler: What’s the next step for our platform, and who do we need to make it happen? Once I know that, the key is to bring the right people on board.

That’s why having strong partners is invaluable—both internally and externally. With Lukas as our CEO driving the team forward in a clear, focused direction, it helps me stay grounded and know what to prioritize—and more importantly, what not to.


How do you envision the future of Klayr in the evolving landscape of Web3, and what steps are you taking to steer the company toward that vision?

Klayr will be one of many interoperable ecosystems connected to the world of blockchains. In essence, blockchain is back-end technology that end-users won’t even notice, and that’s exactly how it should be. However, to deliver the innovative solutions that consumers and businesses will eventually rely on, there’s still a long road of experimentation ahead.

That’s where Klayr comes in. We’ve built a space where experimentation on the blockchain level can thrive—without requiring developers to learn new languages. If you’re already proficient in JavaScript, you can launch a sidechain in under five minutes. That’s the starting point. Just like any other app you’ve built using Create React App, Klayr brings that same ease to blockchain development.

Our vision is to make Klayr the go-to ecosystem for onboarding JavaScript developers into the world of Web3. Unlike most other SDKs, which limit you to interacting with a blockchain, Klayr enables you to build the entire blockchain infrastructure using only JavaScript or TypeScript. This opens up a world of possibilities for developers to leverage blockchain without needing to learn new programming paradigms.

As a company, we’re navigating this complex space through one critical principle: focus. After setting up and laying the groundwork over the past few months, we took time to reflect on what we could improve. The conclusion was clear—focus. By concentrating on our strengths and the unique opportunities Klayr provides, we can continue building an ecosystem that empowers developers and drives innovation in the Web3 space.


As a leader, how do you foster innovation and creativity within your team, especially when tackling complex challenges in the Web3 space?

At Klayr, we prioritize continuous learning and team collaboration. We hold regular sessions where team members share knowledge and learn from each other, keeping everyone updated on Web3 developments.

We encourage sharing ideas from the web and involve the team in conversations with potential projects and partners, providing valuable learning experiences. We also ensure that each team member has the freedom to explore and grow independently, creating a supportive environment for personal and professional development.


What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting their journey in tech and web3?

Begin where your instincts lead you. If you’re a developer, you might dive into testing projects and experimenting with software. If you’re more like me, start by finding a couple of podcasts that pique your interest. One podcast often leads to another, and soon you’ll discover a few go-to sources for information and next steps.

If you’re still unsure where to start, don’t hesitate to ask people around you for recommendations. The key is to begin somewhere and let your curiosity guide you.


What is the message you want to send to other Klayniacs?

We’re thrilled to have you with us at this early stage, whether you’ve been with us from the Lisk ecosystem or joined us recently. Your presence and support mean a lot.

At this crucial phase, we need your help:

  • Help us build: Your contributions are vital as we shape our project.
  • Share your ideas: Your insights can spark innovation and guide our path.
  • Bring positivity: Your enthusiasm and encouragement keep us motivated.

Enjoy the journey with us! I’m excited about what we’ll accomplish together in the coming years.


You can learn more about us and our team on XDiscordLinkedIn, and our website.

Want to cook up some new ideas at Klayr like Jurre? Keep an eye on our jobs page for the latest vacancies!