Meet the Team – Digital Project Manager

by | Aug 16, 2024

At Klayr, our team is our strongest asset. This time, you will get to know our Digital Project Manager, Mariángeles Ellero! Meet the driving force behind our digital projects, the one who transforms chaos into order and visions into realities.

Join us as we delve into her professional journey, project management philosophy, and the passion she brings all the way from Argentina to Klayr.


Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi all! I’m Mariángeles, Digital Project Manager at Klayr. I’m from Argentina, but I’ve been living in Amsterdam for three years now. I’ve always been curious about traveling the world and living in another country, and I found my place here. I love biking everywhere, the people, the culture—all that beats the weather!

At Klayr, I handle digital processes and support marketing operations. I’m currently setting up the Growth Funds, overseeing the initial stages to ensure smooth execution. Additionally, I integrate these processes into our marketing strategies to promote initiatives that engage with our community.


What are your passions and hobbies? Share some fun facts about you.

🧘I love my daily dose of yoga, reading, binge-watching series, and meeting with my people.

🧉 I can’t live without my mate – see the picture below. It’s an Argentinian drink prepared with yerba mate herbs. You can drink it by yourself or share it with other people.

🚲 Biking has become my favorite transportation, and I had to learn how to get back home safely (after a typical Dutch night out). Best lesson ever: just after my first King’s Day, I crashed somewhere, and I was saved by strangers. Despite the heavy fall, I still had to jump on my bike and keep going home! 



As a project manager, do you have any time management secrets?

Being quite organized and obsessed with to-do lists, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining flexibility are key. Whether it’s for work, personal tasks, or daily habits, outline what you want to accomplish and stay adaptable to any changes. 


What brought you to Web3?

A few years ago, I bought my first bitcoins without understanding what I was doing, but something triggered me back then. The hype arrived when a friend invited me to take a workshop about Web3 and cryptocurrencies. It was a game-changer! Coming from a different arena, this has been a whole new world to discover. This technology offers endless possibilities, and I’m excited to keep learning about it and bring my skills to this new ecosystem.


What excites you the most about working with and at Klayr?

I love working with creative teams and making ideas come to life. Being involved in these kinds of processes makes my energy flow and spills over into my personal goal, which is growing within an organization with a clear vision. Klayr has all the ingredients, and contributing to the company’s growth motivates me to push boundaries and innovate continuously. I’m thrilled to be part of a team that’s shaping the future of the Web3 space. 


From being a Web2 PM to becoming a Web3 PM, what was your main challenge?

Back in Argentina, I graduated as a Civil Engineer, but I’ve been working as a Project Manager in different markets. My curiosity has taken me to all kinds of places, ultimately leading me here. The main challenge is processing all the new information and applying it to my daily tasks. Web3 operates differently than Web2 industries, which means a significant shift from traditional structures. However, this transition has been a steep learning curve and an exciting opportunity to bring my skills to a new ecosystem. 


What would you recommend for project managers interested in joining blockchain companies?

Web3 market has found its spot and is still considered niche or isolated. If we consider the impact that merging Web2 with Web3 will have in the future, there is room for all kinds of roles. This community is supportive and understanding of the fact that not many of us have a Web3 background. If you are a seasoned project manager, an out-of-the-box thinker, and comfortable being out of your comfort zone, you will be a good fit! Additionally, immerse yourself, learn, and embrace new technologies and methodologies. Engage with the community and professionals in the field. This could be a proactive approach to stay ahead and evolve in this industry. 


What is the message you want to send to other Klayniacs?

For all the Klayniacs out there, this team is committed to making Web3 and our blockchain accessible to everyone. There are no excuses, whether you are a newbie or an expert; there’s a place for everyone in this community. Let’s continue to innovate, support each other, and build a future where everyone can participate and thrive in the decentralized world!



You can learn more about us and our team on XDiscordLinkedIn, and our website.

Want to be like Mariángeles and run for the finish line of a career at Klayr? Keep an eye on our jobs page for the latest vacancies!