Meet the Team – UX Designer

by | Aug 16, 2024

In this edition of Meet the Team, we’re thrilled to introduce Thom, our creative UX Designer. Thom is the visionary behind the Explorer’s design, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience. Join us as we dive into Thom’s journey, his design philosophy, his creativity, and the artistic skills he brings to Klayr.


Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi everyone, my name is Thom and I’m the freelance product designer working on the UX/UI design of various products at Klayr. Currently I’m designing the Klayr Explorer and next up I’ll be designing a completely new wallet for Klayr. I’m a 32 year old dutchie living in beautiful Utrecht with my girlfriend and dog.


What are your passions and hobbies?

I love to go running, and I’m currently training for the Valencia Marathon, which will be held on the 1st of December 2024. Next to running, I love walking my dog; she’s a very cute labrador. She’s a bit naughty, and I often find her with her nose in my plants, but I find that having a dog is one of the best experiences a person can have. I also traveled the world a lot and lived in Canada, Indonesia, Spain, and South America over the last 10 years. I also own a motorbike (a beautiful yellow Royal Enfield for the motorcyclists among us), and riding that beauty is something I thoroughly enjoy. 



What brought you to Web3?

I had the chance to build cool stuff in an industry I honestly didn’t know a lot about. So, for me, the opportunity to learn more about it was my drive. Building products in the Web3 environment has been eye-opening. From day one, I learned so much about the utilities of Web3. I thank the founders of Klayr for that! Yet, there’s more to learn since this field is moving so damn fast.


What excites you the most about working with and at Klayr?

I could give you the cliche answer and say the people, but I’m going to be a bit more bold and say the products we are building now. I think the new explorer will be a huge step forward in user experience, and I hope the community will notice this, too. 


Is UX design in Web3 different from traditional UX for Web2?

In the last few months, I’ve noticed that Web3’s UX design differs from Web2 by focusing on decentralization, user control, and blockchain integration. It requires clear user education on these complex concepts. Due to the irreversible nature of blockchain transactions, it emphasizes security, transparency, and error prevention.


How do you stay updated with the latest design trends and technologies, especially in the fast-paced world of blockchain?

I’m a huge Twitter (or, I have to say, X) nerd. I’m on there a lot, and this is where I get most of my information.


What would you recommend for designers interested in joining blockchain companies?

I’d recommend gaining a deep understanding of blockchain technology, prioritizing user education and security in your designs, and familiarising yourself with decentralized systems and token economies. Personally, I learned so much about blockchain in the last few months! 


What is the message you want to send to other Klayniacs?

The future is gonna be amazing, people. Keep Klayr in mind because this is where the magic will happen in the next few months! 




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Want to be like Thom and run for the finish line of a career at Klayr? Keep an eye on our obs page for the latest vacancies!