Home 9 News 9 Announcing Klayr Blockchain launch date

Announcing Klayr Blockchain launch date

by | May 8, 2024

After consulting with exchanges and the Onchain Foundation, we have decided to launch the Klayr blockchain one month after Lisk’s migration, on June 25th. This decision was primarily made to position Klayr as a new and independent project and not a hardfork of the Lisk L1. This is a more compliant approach and simplifies the communications with exchanges.  

For validators, there will be no need for a migration process on May 21 towards Klayr. Instead, we will take a snapshot at the specified block height and proceed with the Klayr blockchain launch on June 25th.

The Klayr blockchain will be launched with an initial set of 51 genesis validators operated by Klayr for a period of one week to ensure a smooth start for the blockchain. During the initial week, all validators can prepare their stakes and setups.

For all $LSK holders, nothing will change; your $KLY tokens (1:1) will be airdropped directly into your Klayr wallet.  $KLY token holders will need to stake their tokens to qualify for staking rewards.

As previously mentioned, we are in contact with all exchanges to discuss listings and support for the airdrop. We will share updates on all our social media platforms as soon as they become available.

For any questions, join Klayr.chat and ask our team!

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