Klayr Roadmap: Charting the Path to Blockchain Innovation

by | Jun 25, 2024

Klayr Roadmap

As we prepare to launch our blockchain on 25 June, we’re also excited to look toward the future. That’s why we want to share an overview of what we’ve been working on over the last few months and the next phases of what’s coming up for Klayr.


Phase 1: Rebranding

Focused Rebranding

Our initial focus was on rebranding the Lisk layer 1 technology as Klayr. This rebranding effort included our entire tech stack, including the desktop wallet and the explorer, and will be complete when we launch our new blockchain on June 25th. The mobile wallet will be discontinued in favor of a better alternative coming in Phase 3.


Phase 2: Klayr Explorer and Klayr Gateway

Klayr Explorer

Following the rebranding, we will launch the Klayr Explorer in three phases. Initially, we will focus on the basic requirements and progressively add more features with each update, incorporating feedback from the community along the way. This new explorer will run alongside the existing rebranded explorer to ensure our users always have a fully functional product ready to use. This phased approach will provide users with enhanced features and improved navigation, offering a more intuitive way to interact with the Klayr blockchain.

Klayr Gateway

Alongside the new explorer, we will introduce the Klayr Gateway. This new service will replace the current service, which we identified as a pain point for users and exchanges. Built in NestJS, the Klayr Gateway offers a more modular approach, making it easier for future sidechain developers to incorporate the Gateway into their applications. The new explorer will work in conjunction with the Klayr Gateway from the start for testing purposes. Both the new Gateway and explorer will run alongside the current Klayr service and explorer to ensure our users always have reliable, fully functional products available.


Phase 3: Wallet Transition to MetaMask Snaps

MetaMask Snaps Wallet

In this phase, we will transition from our desktop wallet to the MetaMask Snaps wallet. We have decided to put our efforts into making MetaMask Snaps available to our users as soon as possible, which is why we discontinued the mobile wallet. This change will enhance the user experience by providing greater flexibility and accessibility, allowing users to manage their assets more efficiently.  Integrating with MetaMask Snaps is a more mainstream approach that will help us reach a broader audience while also being easier for our team to maintain and expand.


Phase 4: Introduction of the Klayr Platform

Klayr Platform

This phase will be all about the launch of the Klayr Platform. This comprehensive platform will combine key elements of the new Klayr Explorer and the Klayr Wallet, providing a seamless and integrated user experience. The Klayr Platform will also include functionalities such as minting tokens and NFTs, and on-chain trading, all designed to offer users a robust and versatile blockchain environment. This integration will make processes simpler and make our products accessible to more people, setting Klayr up to become a leading platform in the blockchain space.


Ongoing Research: Introduction of WASM Contracts and Cross Chain Bridge Module

WASM Contracts

We are currently researching the introduction of WebAssembly (WASM) contracts to our platform. This addition aims to provide a more versatile and efficient environment for smart contracts, enabling developers to write and deploy contracts with greater ease and functionality. These efforts are ongoing and are planned for implementation after the launch of the Klayr Platform.

Cross-Chain Bridge Module

Our research also includes the development of a Cross-Chain Bridge Module. This module will facilitate interoperability between different blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset transfers and communication. This enhancement will significantly improve the overall connectivity and utility of the Klayr blockchain. Like the WASM contracts, this module is planned for after the Klayr Platform launch.


Continuous Updates and New Modules

In addition to these phased launches, we have a separate timeline for introducing new modules to the mainchain. These modules will include:

  • NFT Collection Module: Allowing users to create, manage, and showcase NFT collections.
  • NFT Exchange Module: Enabling the trading of NFTs with various options to enhance market dynamics.
  • On-Chain Storage: Providing scalable and secure storage solutions for data associated with NFTs and other assets.
  • Service as Plugin: Offering modular and customizable solutions to add new functionalities seamlessly.
  • NFT Integration in Platform: Ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly experience for NFT-related activities.
  • Token Factory: Allowing users to create and manage tokens efficiently
  • Fast BFT: Implementing Fast Byzantine Fault Tolerance to improve the consensus mechanism of our blockchain.
  • Continuous Updates: Regularly releasing updates to enhance functionality, security, and user experience.


Our roadmap is designed to guide the Klayr Ecosystem towards a future of innovation and excellence. Join us on our journey by following our program on XDiscord, and LinkedIn.