Klayr Bug Bounty Program


The Klayr bug bounty program is a long-standing initiative designed to offer an incentive in the form of remuneration to anyone who locates any bugs or vulnerabilities that may exist within the existing Klayr core network.

All developers and researchers who report security vulnerabilities and bugs in Klayr Core may be eligible for a payment in accordance with our guidelines which are explained in more detail on this page. Firstly, please ensure before making any submissions that you have reviewed our bug bounty program policy rules below.


Focus on Klayr Core

Only vulnerabilities and bugs in Klayr Core are being considered. Focus on the main branch and, if one exists, the latest Betanet branch only. Right now any vulnerability existing within Klayr Core is likely to be present in the Klayr SDK as well.

Stay on your private network

Only perform all testing on your own private network. A report is only eligible if it is clear that the reporter did not abuse this bug on one of the public networks.

Keep it to yourself

It is forbidden to disclose reported bugs to the public. Doing so will forfeit any potential remuneration.

Validity of vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities that were already submitted, are already known to us, or are fixed by the implementation of an existing LIP are not eligible for any remuneration. Serial vulnerabilities caused by the same underlying issue are treated as a single vulnerability.


The following table illustrated below lists the current remuneration structure for identifying bugs and vulnerabilities.

bug bounty payout1

Report your Bug

To file a report, please send an email to the following address: [email protected]

Submitted vulnerabilities and bugs should be described in the most methodical and detailed manner as possible. Clear reproducible steps or a solution are preferred and may lead to a higher remuneration.

Disclaimer: We consider numerous different factors for determining the remuneration. Determinations of eligibility, impact, severity, and other factors related to the remuneration are at our sole and final discretion. Due to AML/KYC regulations, each participant contributing a bug or vulnerability report has to undergo a KYC procedure in order to receive any remuneration. This includes their full name and address, accompanied by a scan of a valid passport or ID card.