Using the Dashboard with a blockchain client

The Dashboard plugin offers various features that facilitate interaction with a Klayr application. The Dashboard can be registered with any Klayr Application.

For this guide, the Dashboard plugin is registered to the Hello World application, though the steps mentioned below can be applied to any Klayr-based blockchain client.

On this page, you’ll learn:

  • Registration of the Dashboard plugin to a blockchain client.

  • Interacting with a node via the Dashboard plugin such as invoking commands, endpoints and subscribing to events, etc.

1. Plugin registration

With Klayr v6, the default plugins come pre-installed after an application is initiated. You can check the package.json file of the blockchain client to ensure the installation.

"dependencies": {
	"@klayr/framework-dashboard-plugin": "0.2.0",

Otherwise, you can install the Dashboard plugin like this:

npm i @klayr/framework-dashboard-plugin

Now open the plugins.ts file, import the Dashboard plugin, and register it with the application as shown below:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */
import { Application } from 'klayr-sdk';
import { DashboardPlugin } from '@klayr/framework-dashboard-plugin';

export const registerPlugins = (app: Application): void => {
    app.registerPlugin(new DashboardPlugin());

Save and close the plugins.ts file.

It is essential to enable WS API and configure the allowedMethods property before registering the DashboardPlugin. For more information, see the configurations described in the configuration guide.

After updating the custom_config.json file, build the blockchain client again:

npm run build

2. Starting the node

It is also possible to enable the Dashboard plugin without updating the plugins.ts file as suggested in the aforementioned steps. Once the plugin is installed, you can add the --enable-dashboard-plugin flag to the start command to run the node.

  • Sidechain

  • Mainchain

  • Start the blockchain client with designated flags on a sidechain node.

    ./bin/run start --config=config/custom_config.json --enable-dashboard-plugin
  • Or, start the blockchain client with designated flags on a mainchain node. For more information, see Networks, Mainchain and the Klayr Core docs.

    klayr-core start --network testnet --enable-dashboard-plugin

If you registered the Dashboard via plugins.ts, then perform the following:

Start the blockchain client with 'custom_config.json' without any flag
./bin/run start --config=config/custom_config.json

Wait until the application start has been completed. Now it is possible to access the Dashboard on the browser under localhost: 4005

You can also see the blockchain client logs to confirm the registration of the Dashboard plugin.

2023-07-28T08:42:18.189Z INFO XYZ.local application 92756 dashboard Loading in-memory plugin

3. Dashboard walkabout

Go to http://localhost:4005 to access the Dashboard.

Dashboard Plugin
Figure 1. Dashboard overview

3.1. Invoke command

The Dashboard plugin allows you to invoke various commands via the Invoke command section.

The Invoke command section lists all the module-based commands registered to a node.

The command type is selected from the dropdown box.

As we registered the DashboardPlugin with the hello_client, it is possible to send a hello message via the Dashboard.

Transaction dropdown
Figure 2. Select the 'hello_createHello' command.

Once the desired command type is selected, provide the passphrase of the sender account and the hello message.

The passphrase is present in the passphrase.json file, which is located in the config/default directory of the blockchain client.

You can use the passphrase of the genesis account of hello_client.

The hello message can be:

	"message": "Greetings from Klayr!"

Once all the necessary parameters are input, click on the Submit button.

Send transaction
Figure 3. Enter information about the hello message

If the transaction was successfully accepted, you will see the following confirmation:

Transaction Sent successfully
Figure 4. Send 'createHello' transaction to node

Once the transaction is confirmed and added to the chain, it can be seen in the Recent Transaction section.

Recent transactions
Figure 5. Recent transactions

3.2. Call endpoints

It is possible to invoke endpoints of registered Modules and Plugins via the Dashboard. Endpoints can be invoked from the Call endpoint section.

In the previous guides, the following endpoints were created:

For Module:
  1. The endpoint hello_getHello is for Getting the latest Hello for an address.

For Plugin:
  1. The endpoint helloInfo_getMessageList is for Getting a list of all Hello messages sent on-chain.

To invoke an endpoint through the Dashboard, refer to the following section:

3.2.1. Invoking hello_getHello

To verify that the hello message was sent successfully, select the hello_getHello endpoint from the section Call endpoint.

The hello_getHello endpoint is part of the HelloModule endpoints and it returns the last sent hello message for the account address that is specified in the endpoint input.

Provide the address to which the passphrase belongs. For hello_client the passphrase points to the first account in the dev-validators.json file, which is located in the config/default directory of the hello client.

Invoke hello_getHello
Figure 6. Enter an address to fetch the latest hello message

In response, the Dashboard will display the latest hello message sent from the specified account.

Get latest hello message for the given account
Figure 7. Latest hello message from the given account

3.2.2. Invoking helloInfo_getMessageList

Select helloInfo_getMessageList from the dropdown menu.

Invoke plugin action
Figure 8. Select the 'helloInfo_getMessageList' endpoint

You can directly click on the Submit button to view the results. The endpoint doesn’t require any input for the request to proceed.

Plugin action success
Figure 9. List of all the hello messages sent on-chain

As expected, the Dashboard responds with a list of hello messages that were posted to the Klayr application.

3.3. Subscribing to events

At the bottom of the Dashboard is the Recent events window, which allows the possibility to subscribe to various events by selecting them from a dropdown box.

Select the hello_newHello event.

Subscribe to newHello event
Figure 10. Subscribe to the 'newHello' event

Once a new hello transaction is posted, the newHello event is also published, and will subsequently appear in the Recent events window.

receive newHello event

The value of the senderAddress retrieved in the hello_newHello event is in the hex format, which can be easily converted to the Klayr32 format through the cryptography package. For example:

Converting a binary address into klayr32 format via 'klayr console'
klayr.cryptography.address.getKlayr32AddressFromAddress(Buffer.from("8ebe46d631ae4cc7ad14ba5235edde56c5f34ec6", 'hex'));

For more information, see getKlayr32AddressFromAddress.

The Dashboard plugin provides various other features as well, most of which are very self-explanatory. For example, you can create new accounts, see unconfirmed transactions, and see recently generated blocks. It is also possible to view the general node and network information, etc., through the Dashboard plugin.