Setting up an Off-chain database

On this page, you’ll learn:

  • Defining method for initiating database.

  • Defining methods for storing data in the database.

  • Defining methods for retrieving data from the database.

Plugins can use any database for their off-chain data storage needs, contrary to modules that use both on-chain and off-chain data stores offered by the Klayr SDK.

A plugin’s data store stays only on the node that registers it to the blockchain and is not shared with other nodes.

For this guide, we want to store the NewHelloEvent’s data in an off-chain store by using klayr-db. Klayr-db is a key-value store based on RocksDB.

The database-related operations will exist in a db.ts file which will be located in the plugin’s root folder: hello_info. Create the new file in the aforementioned directory.

The relevant file discussed in this guide is db.ts.

1. Getting the database’s instance

A klayr-db instance requires a data path and the name of the database. The data path of a plugin inherits the data path of the blockchain client and is mentioned in the config.json or custom_config.json file.

Add the following code to your db.ts for getting a database instance.

import { codec, db as klayrDB, cryptography } from 'klayr-sdk';
import * as os from 'os';
import { join } from 'path';
import { ensureDir } from 'fs-extra';

// [...]

const { Database } = klayrDB;
type KVStore = klayrDB.Database;

// Returns DB's instance.
export const getDBInstance = async (
	dataPath: string,
	dbName = 'klayr-framework-helloInfo-plugin.db',
): Promise<KVStore> => {
	const dirPath = join(dataPath.replace('~', os.homedir()), 'database', dbName);
	await ensureDir(dirPath);
	return new Database(dirPath);

// [...]

2. Getting and Setting event data

Now that we have our function to get a db instance, let’s create functions for setting and getting data from the database.

2.1. Setting event data

As mentioned in the newHello event’s schema, we need to store the senderAddress, the hello message sent, and the height of the block where a newHello event was found.

Along with passing the aforementioned to our setEventHelloInfo(), we also need to pass a counter value. This counter will be converted into a Buffer and will be concatenated with the Buffer value of our constant DB_KEY_ADDRESS_INFO to form a unique key for each newHello event.

// [...]

// Import required "Schemas", "Types" and "Constants"
import { offChainEventSchema, counterSchema, heightSchema } from './schemas';
import { Event, Counter, Height } from './types';

// [...]

// Stores event data in the database.
export const setEventHelloInfo = async (
	db: KVStore,
	_klyAddress: Buffer,
	_message: string,
	_eventHeight: number,
	lastCounter: number,
): Promise<void> => {
	const encodedAddressInfo = codec.encode(offChainEventSchema, {
		senderAddress: _klyAddress,
		message: _message,
		height: _eventHeight,
	// Creates a unique key for each event
	const dbKey = Buffer.concat([DB_KEY_EVENT_INFO, cryptography.utils.intToBuffer(lastCounter, 4)]);
	await db.set(dbKey, encodedAddressInfo);
	console.log('** Event data saved successfully in the database **');

// [...]

2.2. Getting events data

Getting the stored events data is fairly simple. A ReadStream will be created by passing the starting and ending clauses to the createReadStream().

Once the stream gets all the stored data, the data will be filtered out one by one for each event and each event will be pushed into an array of objects. Finally, the array containing all the newHello events will be returned.

// [...]

// Returns event's data stored in the database.
export const getEventHelloInfo = async (db: KVStore): Promise<(Event & { id: Buffer })[]> => {
	// 1. Look for all the given key-value pairs in the database
	const stream = db.createReadStream({
		gte: Buffer.concat([DB_KEY_EVENT_INFO, Buffer.alloc(4, 0)]),
		lte: Buffer.concat([DB_KEY_EVENT_INFO, Buffer.alloc(4, 255)]),
	// 2. Get event's data out of the collected stream and push it in an array.
	const results = await new Promise<(Event & { id: Buffer })[]>((resolve, reject) => {
		const events: (Event & { id: Buffer })[] = [];
			.on('data', ({ key, value }: { key: Buffer; value: Buffer }) => {
					...codec.decode<Event>(offChainEventSchema, value),
					id: key.slice(DB_KEY_EVENT_INFO.length),
			.on('error', error => {
			.on('end', () => {
	return results;

// [...]

3. Getting and Setting Counter

After implementing the getter and setter for the event’s data, we also want functions for getting and setting the counter.

3.1. Setting last counter

Every time an event’s data is stored in the database, we intend to also store the number of total events stored + 1 as a counter inside the database. For that, add the setLastCounter() function to our db.ts file.

Since we only intend to store a single value, there is no need to create a series of unique keys so we will use our DB_LAST_COUNTER_INFO constant as the key for storing the last counter.

// [...]

// Stores lastCounter for key generation.
export const setLastCounter = async (db: KVStore, lastCounter: number): Promise<void> => {
	const encodedCounterInfo = codec.encode(counterSchema, { counter: lastCounter });
	await db.set(DB_LAST_COUNTER_INFO, encodedCounterInfo);
	console.log('** Counter saved successfully in the database **');

// [...]

3.2. Getting last counter

The function will fetch the last stored value of the counter from the database. The counter value is incremented based on the last stored value of the counter.

// [...]

// Returns lastCounter.
export const getLastCounter = async (db: KVStore): Promise<Counter> => {
	const encodedCounterInfo = await db.get(DB_LAST_COUNTER_INFO);
	return codec.decode<Counter>(counterSchema, encodedCounterInfo);
// [...]

4. Getting and Setting Height

To ensure efficiency, the HelloInfoPlugin should only look for newHello event in blocks previously unchecked. For that, we will store the last checked block height in the plugin’s database.

4.1. Setting Height

Similarly to the counter, we intend to store only the last checked block height which is a single value. So, we will use the DB_LAST_HEIGHT_INFO constant as the key.

// [...]

// Stores height of block where hello event exists.
export const setLastEventHeight = async (db: KVStore, lastHeight: number): Promise<void> => {
	const encodedHeightInfo = codec.encode(heightSchema, { height: lastHeight });
	await db.set(DB_LAST_HEIGHT_INFO, encodedHeightInfo);
	console.log('**Height saved successfully in the database **');

// [...]

4.2. Getting Height

As the name suggests, the getLastEventHeight() will return the last stored value of block height. This value will be used in the search of newHello event.

// [...]

// Returns height of block where hello event exists.
export const getLastEventHeight = async (db: KVStore): Promise<Height> => {
	const encodedHeightInfo = await db.get(DB_LAST_HEIGHT_INFO);
	return codec.decode<Height>(heightSchema, encodedHeightInfo);

// [...]

The database logic completes here, now we should add configuration to HelloInfoPlugin, as described in the next guide.