
There are two permanently accessible public Klayr blockchain networks which are entirely independent of each other: the Klayr Mainnet and the Klayr Testnet.

In addition to the permanent networks, it is also possible to spin up a local network for development, known as the Klayr Devnet, or to connect to a public network such as the [klayr-betanet], which is accessible during beta releases for new Klayr Core versions. Klayr Core is the blockchain client that is required to be installed on a server in order to configure a node that can connect to the respective Klayr mainchain.

Table 1 provides a comparison between the Mainnet and the Testnet mainchain, and lists their specific properties and configurations:

Table 1. Klayr network overview
Property Mainnet[1] Testnet

Genesis height Klayr fork



Genesis height v4



Genesis height v3



Chain ID



KLY Token ID



Native Token


Testnet KLY

Validator selection algorithm

PoS (Mainnet)

PoS (Testnet)

Block time

7 seconds

7 seconds

Maximum block size

15 kB

15 kB

Default P2P Port



Default RPC Port



Minimum fee per byte

1000 Beddows (0.00001 KLY)

1000 Beddows (0.00001 KLY)

User account initialization fee

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

Escrow account initialization fee

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

Keeps blockchain events (default)

For latest 300 blocks

For latest 300 blocks

PoS init rounds[1]




Klayr service API base URLs

Klayr Mainnet

The Mainnet is where the true Klayr economy exists.

Within this network, Klayr users can transfer KLY tokens from one account to another, register accounts as validators to generate new blocks, or register their sidechains to make them interoperable with any other registered sidechain.


The native token for the Klayr Mainchain is KLY, pronounced as "Klayr".

Each KLY is further subdivided into 108 Beddows.

1 KLY = 100000000 Beddows

Proof of Stake (Mainnet)

Configurations of the PoS module of Klayr Mainnet mainchain.

Table 2. PoS constants(Mainnet)
Property Value

Max length for the validator name


Max number of sent stakes


Max number of pending unlocks


Minimum weight for standby validators

100000000000 Beddows (1000 KLY)

Round length

53 blocks

Number of active validators


Number of standby validators


Registration fee for validators

1000000000 Beddows (10 KLY)

Rewards (Mainnet)

Configurations of the Dynamic Reward module of the Klayr Mainnet mainchain.

Table 3. Block reward constants(Mainnet)
Property Value

KLY Token ID for block rewards


Offset for starting with block rewards

85701 blocks

Distance for each milestone

9200000 blocks

Brackets (Block reward for each milestone in Beddows)

["200000000", "100000000"]

Klayr Testnet

The Testnet is an independent replica of the Klayr Mainnet, primarily designed to test upgrades before implementing them on the Klayr Mainnet.

This is where the new upcoming versions and fixes of the Klayr Core are tested, and, subsequently applied to the Klayr Mainnet.

For users, the Testnet provides the possibility to perform their own tests of their Klayr applications, or to test their validator node setup, without spending any real KLY, or risking punishment[2] on the Mainnet.

Using Klayr Desktop for a Testnet account
To connect to the Testnet via Klayr Desktop, simply enable the "Network Switcher" in the settings and then go back to the login screen and switch the network to Testnet in the dropdown menu.


Get free Testnet KLY from the Testnet faucet to start using the Testnet for your own purposes.

Testnet KLY serves as "play money"
Testnet KLY holds no intrinsic monetary value; they are purely intended for testing purposes within the Klayr Testnet, eliminating the necessity to spend "real" KLY tokens. Furthermore, Testnet KLY cannot be exchanged for Mainnet KLY or any other currency.

Proof of Stake (Testnet)

Configurations of the PoS module of the Klayr Testnet mainchain.

Table 4. PoS constants(Testnet)
Property Value

Max length for the validator name


Max number of sent stakes


Max number of pending unlocks


Round length

53 blocks

Minimum weight for standby delegates

1000 KLY

Number of active validators


Number of standby validators


Registration fee for validators

10 KLY

Rewards (Testnet)

Configurations of the Dynamic Reward module of Klayr Testnet mainchain.

Table 5. Block reward constants(Testnet)
Property Value

KLY Token ID for block rewards


Offset for starting with block rewards

27295 blocks

Distance for each milestone

9200000 blocks

Brackets (Block reward for each milestone in Beddows)

["200000000", "100000000"]

Klayr Devnet

The Devnet is a local development network which can be set up on a single node.

The purpose of the Devnet is to provide a user-friendly locally set up blockchain network for performing specific tests, granting the user complete control over the environment.

This can be beneficial when planning to operate the blockchain with different configurations and/or modules compared to the public mainchains, or to test specific functionalities that might be too intricate or complex to evaluate on one of our public networks, such as the Betanet (whenever operational/available) or the Testnet.

Especially, it is recommended to set up a Devnet to search for bugs which can be reported through the Klayr Bug Bounty Program.

The Table 6 below displays the main default configuration for the Klayr Devnet.

Please note that all configurations displayed in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 are just the default values of the Devnet, and can be updated by the developer to meet their specific needs.
Table 6. Default configurations for the Klayr Devnet
Property Devnet

Chain ID


KLY Token ID


Validator selection algorithm


Block time

7 seconds

Maximum block size

15 kB

Default P2P Port


Default RPC Port


Minimum fee per byte

1000 Beddows (0.00001 KLY)

User account initialization fee

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

Escrow account initialization fee

5000000 Beddows (0.05 KLY)

Keeps blockchain events (default)

For latest 300 blocks

Proof of Stake (Devnet)

Default configurations of the PoS module of Klayr Testnet mainchain.

Property Value

Max length for the validator name


Max number of sent stakes


Max number of pending unlocks


Round length

53 blocks

Minimum weight for standby delegates

1000 KLY

Number of active validators


Number of standby validators


Registration fee for validators

10 KLY

Rewards (Devnet)

Default configurations of the Dynamic Reward module of Klayr Testnet mainchain.

Property Value

KLY Token ID for block rewards


Offset for starting with block rewards

360 blocks

Distance for each milestone

1000 blocks

Brackets (Block reward for each milestone in Beddows)

["500000000", "400000000", "300000000", "200000000", "200000000"]

1. Please check out LIP 0063 - Define mainnet configuration and migration for Klayr Core v4 for detailed descriptions of the different constants used in the Klayr Mainnet v4.
2. Validators can be punished by violating the BFT rules, see LIP 0024 -Punish BFT violations.