Connecting via endpoints

On this page, we discuss how endpoints of a Klayr blockchain node and Klayr products i.e., Klayr Service can be invoked. By default, Klayr exposes a range of endpoints to enable communication with a blockchain node. On top of that, the Klayr service also provides its own set of endpoints that offer even more extensive blockchain data.

Furthermore, Modules and Plugins of a blockchain client can also expose endpoints. By default, Klayr exposes various module-based endpoints as well, an example of which is the Auth module endpoints. It is also possible to develop endpoints for custom modules and plugins. For more information, see implementing endpoints for a module and creating an endpoint for a plugin guides, respectively.

In addition, further information can be found regarding module endpoints in the specific module endpoint reference pages, for example, the Auth module endpoint.


  • In order to make the endpoints accessible, the configuration setting: rpc.allowedMethods should specify ["*"] to allow all methods.

  • Alternatively, it can specify the module name, for example, ["consensus","token","pos"], or the exact method names such as ["chain_getLastBlock", "system_getNodeInfo"] to expose them in the API.

  • For further details please see the Configuring Klayr Node section in the Klayr Core README file.

  • To interact with the node APIs through IPC, WS, or HTTP, it is necessary to enable the corresponding APIs. This can be done by configuring them in the node settings, using command line flags, or setting up the relevant environment variables when launching the Klayr application.

Connecting to a node

Invoking via API client

The API client simplifies sending API requests to a blockchain node.

External services communicate to a blockchain node via RPCs.

The RPC-based endpoint invocations to the nodes are possible over IPC, WS, or HTTP.

An API client can be imported into any JS client application as shown in the following snippets.

To conveniently communicate with a blockchain node, use the apiClient included in the @klayr/client and the klayr-sdk packages.
  • WS API client example

  • IPC API client example


const { apiClient } = require('@klayr/client');
let clientCache;
const nodeAPIURL = 'ws://localhost:7887/rpc-ws';

const getClient = async () => {
    if (!clientCache) {
        clientCache = await apiClient.createWSClient(nodeAPIURL);
    return clientCache;

const blockId = "0f4ea1c3cfb61b99d387b26aaadf57936a528e5c713c6e55aa06f4d621b7e6f0";

getClient().then((client) => {
    client.invoke("chain_getBlockByID", {
        id: blockId
    }).then(res => {
        console.log("Result: ", res);
const { apiClient } = require('@klayr/client');
let clientCache;

const getClient = async () => {
    if (!clientCache) {
        // The data path to the blockchain client should be passed here
        // In our case, we are passing data path for the "hello_client"
        clientCache = await apiClient.createIPCClient('~/.klayr/hello_client');
    return clientCache;

const blockId = "0f4ea1c3cfb61b99d387b26aaadf57936a528e5c713c6e55aa06f4d621b7e6f0";

getClient().then((client) => {
    client.invoke("chain_getBlockByID", {
        id: blockId
    }).then(res => {
        console.log("Result: ", res);

Apart from the WS and IPC method, Klayr endpoints also support HTTP requests and response mechanisms. With a JSON RPC 2.0 based format, any endpoint can be invoked using a cURL request. For example, as shown below:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:7887/rpc' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "method": "chain_getBlockByHeight",
    "params": {
        "height": 2291

Klayr also supports invoking endpoints from within the blockchain client. For more information, check out the syncing and storing example for the HelloInfoPlugin. Specifically, the line of code shown in the following example:

private async _syncChainEvents(): Promise<void> {
    // 1. Get the latest block height from the blockchain
    const res = await this.apiClient.invoke<{ header: { height: number } }>("chain_getLastBlock", {});

Invoking via the CLI

Any endpoint within the Klayr ecosystem can be invoked via node CLI as well. For more information, check out the Client CLI page.

If you are running Klayr Core, you can use mostly the same CLI commands as in the general node CLI. Just replace ./bin/run with klayr-core in that case.

To invoke an endpoint via the CLI, simply use the endpoint:invoke command as shown in the following code snippet.

Invoking an endpoint via CLI
./bin/run endpoint:invoke chain_getLastBlock --pretty
Example output
  "header": {
    "version": 2,
    "timestamp": 1662742534,
    "height": 110,
    "previousBlockID": "4ef1095d3560064dd4a66fb4543680efe65a64020c363571b107be9513628674",
    "stateRoot": "b2507620beb3be5cd7d0cbb7926e4365b5674b682673dc2423400a497636e13e",
    "assetRoot": "2aa695e23b36439b56130a490ef38feaaec57d82859ff64f5ca61cc49993afa3",
    "eventRoot": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    "transactionRoot": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    "validatorsHash": "84f3ed67cec1eb7bd6dc3ec01b0d0323021c1e86a3dc760b9b92041c28da31ac",
    "aggregateCommit": {
      "height": 0,
      "aggregationBits": "",
      "certificateSignature": ""
    "generatorAddress": "kly5y2q2tn35xrnpdc4oag8sa3ktdacmdcahvwqot",
    "maxHeightPrevoted": 0,
    "maxHeightGenerated": 110,
    "signature": "6ecd5c6f14d18f84a2125cca4186a6cc493dcd66338f9b13c580cc06be7a33267fe259a074d6f6dc9276aff700a985472fca15cbcf25b2fde1b621fe0810b507",
    "id": "334416bdc1f8a7ff842728ac4e591337a0e7b80f190934694cad7e2a9afdb416"
  "transactions": [],
  "assets": [
      "module": "random",
      "data": "0a10dde856a212ac5af46e26abb5f941cc8b"

Connecting to Klayr Service

Invoking via WebSocket

Klayr Service WS-RPC endpoints are available to query under the /rpc-v3 namespace. The base URL of Klayr Service for WS-RPC is:

  • WS-RPC: wss://

For WS, the RPC endpoint name is passed in the method property after establishing a WebSocket connection using An example of using the WS JSON-RPC API can be seen below.

Querying network status via WS JSON-RPC API
const io = require('');

const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000;

const apiEndpoint = 'wss://';
const rpcEndpoint = '';
const rpcParams = {};

// Establishing connection
const socket = io(
		forceNew: true,
		transports: ['websocket'],

// Invoke "" endpoint
	'request', // channel on which Klayr Service handles the WS-RPC calls
		method: rpcEndpoint,
		params: rpcParams,
	answer => {
		console.log(JSON.stringify(answer, null, 2));

	() => {
		console.log('Request timeout - could not get a response.');

For detailed information and examples, please visit the RPC API Klayr Service page.

Invoking the HTTP API

Klayr Service also offers the RESTful HTTP API with various additional endpoints, that for example, could be deployed to build user interfaces and wallets for blockchain applications that are compliant with the Klayr protocol.

There is a public Klayr Service HTTP API, which can be used to query the desired information from the Klayr Core mainchain network.

Klayr Mainnet
Klayr Testnet

The Klayr Service HTTP API can be accessed using request libraries such as Axios or a command-line tool such as cURL, as shown below.

  • HTTP Axios


An example of how to execute a GET request via axios in order to retrieve the network status is shown below:

const axios = require('axios');

const getEndpoint = '';

	.then((axiosResponse) => {
		const { data: apiResponse } = axiosResponse;
		console.log(JSON.stringify(apiResponse, null, 2));

An example of how to execute a POST request via axios to validate a BLS key and Proof of Possession pair is shown below:

const axios = require('axios');

const postEndpoint = '';
const postEndpointParams = {
  blsKey: 'b301803f8b5ac4a1133581fc676dfedc60d891dd5fa99028805e5ea5b08d3491af75d0707adab3b70c6a6a580217bf81',
  proofOfPossession: '88bb31b27eae23038e14f9d9d1b628a39f5881b5278c3c6f0249f81ba0deb1f68aa5f8847854d6554051aa810fdf1cdb02df4af7a5647b1aa4afb60ec6d446ee17af24a8a50876ffdaf9bf475038ec5f8ebeda1c1c6a3220293e23b13a9a5d26',
	.then((axiosResponse) => {
		const { data: apiResponse } = axiosResponse;
		console.log(JSON.stringify(apiResponse, null, 2));

An example of how to execute a GET request via curl in order to retrieve the network status is shown below:

curl --location --request GET ''

An example of how to execute a POST request via curl to validate a BLS key and Proof of Possession pair is shown below:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "blsKey": "b301803f8b5ac4a1133581fc676dfedc60d891dd5fa99028805e5ea5b08d3491af75d0707adab3b70c6a6a580217bf81",
  "proofOfPossession": "88bb31b27eae23038e14f9d9d1b628a39f5881b5278c3c6f0249f81ba0deb1f68aa5f8847854d6554051aa810fdf1cdb02df4af7a5647b1aa4afb60ec6d446ee17af24a8a50876ffdaf9bf475038ec5f8ebeda1c1c6a3220293e23b13a9a5d26"

For more information about integrating Klayr Service with a Klayr application node, see Aggregate blockchain data with Klayr Service.