Modules and Commands

A module is a discrete component that contains blockchain-related business logic. This logic can be related to a specific domain or a topic of a Klayr blockchain client.

Modules can be added by registering them to the blockchain client. For successful registration, each module needs to follow the expected module structure, which is described on this page.

All modules collectively define the on-chain logic of a Klayr application.

Modules perform state changes on the blockchain by
  • Defining logic that is executed per block.

  • Defining logic that is executed per transaction.

Modules are a central part of the on-chain logic of a Klayr application, and any code changes inside of a module which is registered in a running blockchain client, will most likely result in a hardfork of the network.

Therefore, changing the module logic of a running client should always be done in consensus and coordination of the majority of active validators of the blockchain, if it is required.

Module overview

Module anatomy

All important parts of a module are shown in the diagram below.

Module Anatomy
Figure 1. Anatomy of a module

For more information about the different module components, check out the corresponding sub-sections:

Name & Metadata
State changes
Public API

Module file structure

The default file structure for modules looks as follows:

├── app.ts
├── index.ts
├── modules
│   ├──  module1
│   │   ├── commands
│   │   │   ├── some_command.ts
│   │   │   └── another_command.ts
│   │   ├── endpoint.ts
│   │   ├── events
│   │   │   └── some_event.ts
│   │   ├── method.ts
│   │   ├── module.ts
│   │   └── stores
│   │       ├── some_store.ts
│   │       └── another_store.ts
│   └── module2
│       ├── commands
│       │   └── example_command.ts
│       ├── endpoint.ts
│       ├── events
│       │   └── some_event.ts
│       ├── method.ts
│       ├── module.ts
│       └── stores
│           └── example_store.ts
├── modules.ts
├── plugins
└── plugins.ts
The default file structure of a module is automatically created for the developer, if the module is generated using Klayr Commander.

For a more detailed description of the different folders and files of a module, please check out the corresponding guides Creating a new blockchain client and How to create a module.

The BaseModule

Each module is constructed as a class that extends from the BaseModule class.

The BaseModule class defines all optional and required properties and hooks of a module:

The BaseModule
export abstract class BaseModule {
	public commands: BaseCommand[] = [];
	public events: NamedRegistry = new NamedRegistry();
	public stores: NamedRegistry = new NamedRegistry();
	public offchainStores: NamedRegistry = new NamedRegistry();

	public get name(): string {
		const name ='Module', '');
		return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);

	public abstract endpoint: BaseEndpoint;
	public abstract method: BaseMethod;

	public async init?(args: ModuleInitArgs): Promise<void>;
	public async insertAssets?(context: InsertAssetContext): Promise<void>;
	public async verifyAssets?(context: BlockVerifyContext): Promise<void>;
	public async verifyTransaction?(context: TransactionVerifyContext): Promise<VerificationResult>;
	public async beforeCommandExecute?(context: TransactionExecuteContext): Promise<void>;
	public async afterCommandExecute?(context: TransactionExecuteContext): Promise<void>;
	public async initGenesisState?(context: GenesisBlockExecuteContext): Promise<void>;
	public async finalizeGenesisState?(context: GenesisBlockExecuteContext): Promise<void>;
	public async beforeTransactionsExecute?(context: BlockExecuteContext): Promise<void>;
	public async afterTransactionsExecute?(context: BlockAfterExecuteContext): Promise<void>;

	public abstract metadata(): ModuleMetadata;

Module name

The module name is the unique identifier for the module.

The module name is automatically calculated from the class name of the module, if it extends from the BaseModule: The Module suffix of the class name is removed, and the first character is converted to lowercase.

For example, the module class HelloModule will have the module name hello.

The module name can be accessed inside the module via

In case it is desired to choose a different name for the module, a custom module name can be defined by implementing a getter name that returns the custom module name.

Example: Choosing a custom module name
import { BaseModule } from 'klayr-sdk';

class HelloModule extends BaseModule {
    // ...
    public get name() {
      return 'newName';
    // ...

Module constructor

Blockchain Events and Stores of the module are registered in the constructor of a module, for later use in the module.

Example: Module constructor, registering stores and events to the module
import { BaseModule } from 'klayr-sdk';

export class HelloModule extends BaseModule {
    // ...
    public constructor() {
        // registration of stores and events
        this.stores.register(CounterStore, new CounterStore(;
        this.stores.register(MessageStore, new MessageStore(;, new NewHelloEvent(;
    // ...

Module dependencies


If a module has dependencies on other modules, these can be injected in the addDependencies() method.

export class ReactModule extends BaseInteroperableModule {
    // ...

    public addDependencies(interoperabilityMethod: InteroperabilityMethod) {
        this._interoperabilityMethod = interoperabilityMethod;
    // ...


addDependencies() is not part of the module lifecycle and needs to be called manually, ideally right after registering the module to the client, like shown below:

import { Application, PartialApplicationConfig } from 'klayr-sdk';
import { registerModules } from './modules';
import { registerPlugins } from './plugins';
import { ReactModule } from './modules/react/module';

export const getApplication = (config: PartialApplicationConfig): Application => {
    const { app, method } = Application.defaultApplication(config);
    const reactModule = new ReactModule();


    return app;


The init() method is part of the module lifecycle and gets called when the module initializes.

If a module needs to access certain configuration options, it is required to validate and cache the respective configurations in the init() method of a module. The init() hook can also be used to pass required config options or methods to the module commands.

Example: Hello module init() hook
export class HelloModule extends BaseModule {
    // ...
    public async init(args: ModuleInitArgs): Promise<void> {
        // Get the module config defined in the config.json file
        const { moduleConfig } = args;
        // Overwrite the default module config with values from config.json, if set
        const config = utils.objects.mergeDeep({}, defaultConfig, moduleConfig) as ModuleConfigJSON;
        // Validate the provided config with the config schema
        validator.validator.validate<ModuleConfigJSON>(configSchema, config);
        // Call the command init() method with config values as parameters
        this.commands[0].init(config).catch(err => {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
            console.log('Error: ', err);
    // ...
Example: React module init() hook
public async init(_args: ModuleInitArgs) {
            interoperabilityMethod: this._interoperabilityMethod,

Module metadata

The metadata of a module provides information about the module to external services like UIs.

It provides information about the following module properties:

  • endpoints: A list of Endpoints of the respective module. Each item has the following properties:

    • name: The name of the endpoint.

    • request: Required parameters for the endpoint (optional).

    • response: A schema of the expected response to a request to the endpoint.

  • commands: The list of Commands belonging to the module. Each item has the following properties:

    • name: The command name.

    • params: The required and optional parameters to execute the command (optional).

  • events: A list of Blockchain Events that are emitted by the module. Each item has the following properties:

    • typeId: The event type ID.

    • data: The event data.

  • assets: The schemas to decode block assets that are relevant to the module. Each item has the following properties:

    • version: The block version.

    • data: The asset schema.

The metadata can be obtained by requesting the metadata from the blockchain client via RPC request to the system_getMetadata endpoint.

Module metadata interface
export interface ModuleMetadata {
	endpoints: {
		name: string;
		request?: Schema;
		response: Schema;
	events: {
		typeID: string;
		data: Schema;
	commands: {
		name: string;
		params?: Schema;
	assets: {
		version: number;
		data: Schema;

export interface Schema {
	readonly $id: string;
	readonly type: string;
	readonly properties: Record<string, unknown>;
	readonly required?: string[];

Defining the module metadata

The module metadata follows the format of the module metadata interface and is returned in the metadata() function of a module.

Example: Module metadata
const { BaseModule } = require('klayr-sdk');

class HelloModule extends BaseModule {
    // ...

	public metadata(): ModuleMetadata {
		return {
			endpoints: [
					request: getHelloRequestSchema,
					response: getHelloResponseSchema,
					response: getHelloCounterResponseSchema,
			commands: => ({
				params: command.schema,
			events: => ({
				data: v.schema,
			assets: [],
			stores: [],

    // ...
Example: Response schema of the 'getHelloCounter' endpoint of the Hello module
export const getHelloCounterResponseSchema = {
	$id: 'modules/hello/endpoint/getHelloCounter',
	type: 'object',
	required: ['counter'],
	properties: {
		counter: {
			type: 'number',
			format: 'uint32'


Modules have access to two kinds of data stores:

Both stores are included in the State machine of the blockchain client, though only the data on the on-chain stores is shared and synchronized with other nodes in the network.

On-chain Store

A module can define one or multiple on-chain stores, to store data in the blockchain, i.e. to include it in the blockchain state.

For example, data such as account balances, validator’s names, and multisignature keys are values that are stored in the on-chain module store.

Every module store is extended from the BaseStore class:

The BaseStore class
export abstract class BaseStore<T> {
	private readonly _version: number;
	private readonly _storePrefix: Buffer;
	private readonly _subStorePrefix: Buffer;

	public abstract schema: Schema;

	public get storePrefix(): Buffer {
		return this._storePrefix;

	public get subStorePrefix(): Buffer {
		return this._subStorePrefix;

	public get key(): Buffer {
		return Buffer.concat([this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix]);

	public get name(): string {
		const name ='Store', '');
		return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);

	public constructor(moduleName: string, version = 0) {
		this._version = version;
		this._storePrefix = utils.hash(Buffer.from(moduleName, 'utf-8')).slice(0, 4);
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
		this._storePrefix[0] &= 0x7f;
		const versionBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2);
		versionBuffer.writeUInt16BE(this._version, 0);
		this._subStorePrefix = utils
			.hash(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(, 'utf-8'), versionBuffer]))
			.slice(0, 2);

	public async get(ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<T> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.getWithSchema<T>(key, this.schema);

	public async has(ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<boolean> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.has(key);

	public async iterate(
		ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter,
		options: IterateOptions,
	): Promise<{ key: Buffer; value: T }[]> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.iterateWithSchema<T>(options, this.schema);

	public async set(ctx: StoreGetter, key: Buffer, value: T): Promise<void> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.setWithSchema(key, value as Record<string, unknown>, this.schema);

	public async del(ctx: StoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<void> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.del(key);

Off-chain Store

In a module, the off-chain store is available in: insertAssets & Endpoints.

It complements the on-chain module store, by allowing to store various additional data in the blockchain client, that does not need to be included in the on-chain store.

The data stored in the off-chain store is not part of the blockchain protocol, and it may differ from machine to machine.

Every off-chain store is extended from the BaseOffchainStore:

The BaseOffchainStore class
export abstract class BaseOffchainStore<T> {
	private readonly _version: number;
	private readonly _storePrefix: Buffer;
	private readonly _subStorePrefix: Buffer;

	public abstract schema: Schema;

	public get key(): Buffer {
		return Buffer.concat([this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix]);

	public get name(): string {
		const name ='Store', '');
		return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);

	public constructor(moduleName: string, version = 0) {
		this._version = version;
		this._storePrefix = utils.hash(Buffer.from(moduleName, 'utf-8')).slice(0, 4);
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
		this._storePrefix[0] &= 0x7f;
		const versionBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2);
		versionBuffer.writeUInt16BE(this._version, 0);
		this._subStorePrefix = utils
			.hash(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(, 'utf-8'), versionBuffer]))
			.slice(0, 2);

	public async get(ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<T> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getOffchainStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.getWithSchema<T>(key, this.schema);

	public async has(ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<boolean> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getOffchainStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.has(key);

	public async iterate(
		ctx: ImmutableStoreGetter,
		options: IterateOptions,
	): Promise<{ key: Buffer; value: T }[]> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getOffchainStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.iterateWithSchema<T>(options, this.schema);

	public async set(ctx: StoreGetter, key: Buffer, value: T): Promise<void> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getOffchainStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.setWithSchema(key, value as Record<string, unknown>, this.schema);

	public async del(ctx: StoreGetter, key: Buffer): Promise<void> {
		if (!this.schema) {
			throw new Error('Schema is not set');
		const subStore = ctx.getOffchainStore(this._storePrefix, this._subStorePrefix);
		return subStore.del(key);

Module configuration

A module can access specific configuration options of the blockchain client:

  1. Module-specific configuration options, defined under modules.MODULENAME, where MODULENAME is the name of the specific module, that the config options belong to.

  2. Genesis config options, defined under genesis are config options available to the blockchain client.

Both configuration options are defined by the blockchain developer in the config.json file, generally located in the config/default/ directory.

config.json structure
    // ...
    "genesis": {
		"block": {
			"fromFile": "./config/genesis_block.blob"
		"blockTime": 10,
		"bftBatchSize": 103,
		"maxTransactionsSize": 15 * 1024, // Kilo Bytes,
		"minFeePerByte": 1000
	"generator": {
		"keys": {
			"fromFile": "./config/dev-validators.json"
	"modules": {
        "hello": {
          "maxMessageLength": 300,
          "minMessageLength": 5,
          "blacklist": ["illegalWord1", "badWord2", "censoredWord3"]
	"plugins": {}

For more information on how to configure a module, read the guide How to create a module configuration.


An endpoint is an interface between a module and an external system. Klayr endpoints support RPC communication. The module-specific RPC endpoints can be invoked by external services, like UIs, to get relevant data from the application.

The endpoints are defined individually for each module, depending on the module’s purpose.

Endpoints allow us to conveniently get data from the blockchain. It is never possible to set data / mutate the state via module endpoints.

Every module endpoint always extends from the BaseEndpoint class.

The BaseEndpoint class
export abstract class BaseEndpoint {
	[key: string]: unknown;
	protected moduleID: Buffer;
	public constructor(moduleID: Buffer) {
		this.moduleID = moduleID;

How to define module endpoints

The module endpoints are usually defined in a file called endpoint.ts inside of the root folder of the respective module.

Example: endpoint.ts of the Hello module
import { BaseEndpoint, ModuleEndpointContext, cryptography } from 'klayr-sdk';
import { CounterStore, CounterStoreData } from './stores/counter';
import { MessageStore, MessageStoreData } from './stores/message';

export class HelloEndpoint extends BaseEndpoint {

	public async getHelloCounter(ctx: ModuleEndpointContext): Promise<CounterStoreData> {
		const counterSubStore = this.stores.get(CounterStore);

		const helloCounter = await counterSubStore.get(

		return helloCounter;

	public async getHello(ctx: ModuleEndpointContext): Promise<MessageStoreData> {
		const messageSubStore = this.stores.get(MessageStore);

		const { address } = ctx.params;
		if (typeof address !== 'string') {
			throw new Error('Parameter address must be a string.');
		const helloMessage = await messageSubStore.get(
		return helloMessage;

All module endpoints have access to the on-chain and off-chain Stores of a module and can receive data from there, to answer RPC requests with the expected data.

The parameter ctx of an endpoint is expected to be of type ModuleEndpointContext. Meaning, ctx provides the following methods for the endpoint:

ModuleEndpointContext interface
export interface ModuleEndpointContext extends PluginEndpointContext {
	getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => ImmutableSubStore;
	getOffchainStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
	getImmutableMethodContext: () => ImmutableMethodContext;
	chainID: Buffer;

Once the module endpoints are defined in endpoints.ts, they can be added to the module under the endpoint attribute:

How to add endpoints to a module
import { HelloEndpoint } from './endpoint';

export class HelloModule extends BaseModule {
	// ...
	public endpoint = new HelloEndpoint(this.stores, this.offchainStores);
    // ...

Calling a module endpoint

To call an endpoint of a module, simply send the respective RPC request.

A convenient way to send RPC requests to the node is the API client. See section How to invoke endpoints of the page "Communicating to a Klayr node via RPC".


A method is an interface for module-to-module communication, and can perform state mutations on the blockchain.

To get or set module-specific data in the blockchain, methods are either called by other modules or by the module itself. For example, the transfer method from the Token module is called by a module, if it needs to transfer tokens from one account to the other.

Every module method always extends from the BaseMethod class.

The BaseMethod class
export abstract class BaseMethod {
	protected moduleID: Buffer;
	public constructor(moduleID: Buffer) {
		this.moduleID = moduleID;

How to define module methods

The module methods are usually defined in a file called methods.ts inside of the folder of the respective module.

Example: getHello method of the Hello module
import { BaseMethod, ImmutableMethodContext } from 'klayr-sdk';
import { MessageStore, MessageStoreData } from './stores/message';

export class HelloMethod extends BaseMethod {

	public async getHello(
		methodContext: ImmutableMethodContext,
		address: Buffer,
	): Promise<MessageStoreData> {
        // 1. Get message store
		const messageSubStore = this.stores.get(MessageStore);
        // 2. Get the Hello message for the address from the message store
		const helloMessage = await messageSubStore.get(methodContext, address);
        // 3. Return the Hello message
		return helloMessage;

Once the module methods are defined in methods.ts, they can be added to the module under the method attribute:

How to add methods to a module
import { TokenMethod } from './method';

export class TokenModule extends BaseInteroperableModule {
	public method = new TokenMethod(this.stores,,;
    // ...

Calling a module method from another module

A module method can be called from another module.

For example, the method getAvailableBalance of the Token module is called from the Fee module in the transaction verification hook. This method is called to verify if the sender of a transaction has enough balance to pay the transaction fee.

Methods from other modules are provided to the module by importing them, and adding them as properties in the addDependencies method, as shown in the code snippet below.

export class FeeModule extends BaseInteroperableModule {
    // ...

    public addDependencies(tokenMethod: TokenMethod, interopMethod: InteroperabilityMethod) {
		this._tokenMethod = tokenMethod;
		this.crossChainMethod.addDependencies(interopMethod, tokenMethod);
    // ...

    public async verifyTransaction(context: TransactionVerifyContext): Promise<VerificationResult> {
		const { getMethodContext, transaction, header } = context;

		const minFee = this._getMinFee(header.height, transaction.getBytes().length);
		if (transaction.fee < minFee) {
			throw new Error(`Insufficient transaction fee. Minimum required fee is ${minFee}.`);

		const balance = await this._tokenMethod.getAvailableBalance(
		if (transaction.fee > balance) {
			throw new Error(`Insufficient balance.`);

		return { status: VerifyStatus.OK };

    // ...

Blockchain Events

Blockchain events, or module events, are logs of events that occur in the blockchain network during block execution. Events occur per block, and are stored in the respective block header, from where they can be queried.

Do not confuse blockchain events with RPC events.

In contrast to RPC events,

  • Blockchain events are part of the on-chain logic: Each block includes the event root in the block header, which is the root of a Sparse-Merkle-Tree of all blockchain events, that occur in that particular block.

  • If not configured differently, blockchain events are only kept for the last 300 blocks, to not pollute the blockchain unnecessarily.

Every module event always extends from the BaseEvent class.

The BaseEvent class
export abstract class BaseEvent<T> {
	public schema: Schema = emptySchema;

	private readonly _moduleName: string;

	public get key(): Buffer {
		return Buffer.from(this._moduleName +, 'utf-8');

	public get name(): string {
		const name ='Event', '');
		return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);

	public constructor(moduleName: string) {
		this._moduleName = moduleName;

	public add(ctx: EventQueuer, data: T, topics?: Buffer[], noRevert?: boolean): void {
			this.schema ? codec.encode(this.schema, data as Record<string, unknown>) : Buffer.alloc(0),

For more information on how to …​

Standard event

The standard event is indicating the result of a transaction processing (success/failure). It is automatically emitted every time a transaction is processed by a module.

Only valid transactions are processed, and therefore only valid transactions emit the standard event. See the section Valid vs invalid transactions for more information.

The standard event is therefore the only blockchain event, that is not defined manually by the developer of a module.

The standard event is added to the event queue in the state machine during the executeTransaction lifecycle hook.

If the transaction execution as successful, the success property is set to true, otherwise, it is set to false.

Schema for the standard event
export const standardEventDataSchema = {
	$id: '/block/event/standard',
	type: 'object',
	required: ['success'],
	properties: {
		success: {
			dataType: 'boolean',
			fieldNumber: 1,


A command is a group of state-transition logic triggered by a transaction and is identified by the module and command name of the transaction.

Command anatomy
Figure 2. Anatomy of a Command

Every module command always extends from the BaseCommand class.

The BaseCommand class
export abstract class BaseCommand<T = unknown> {
	public schema?: Schema;

	public get name(): string {
		const name ='Command', '');
		return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);

	// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor
	public constructor(protected stores: NamedRegistry, protected events: NamedRegistry) {}

	public verify?(context: CommandVerifyContext<T>): Promise<VerificationResult>;

	public abstract execute(context: CommandExecuteContext<T>): Promise<void>;

Command name

The command name is the unique identifier for the command. It needs to be unique within the module the command belongs to.

The command name is automatically calculated from the class name of the command, if it extends from the BaseCommand: The Command suffix of the class name is removed, and the first character is converted to lowercase.

For example, the module class CreateHelloCommand will have the command name createHello.

The command name can be accessed inside the command via

In case it is desired to choose a different name for the command, a custom command name can be defined by implementing a getter name that returns the custom command name.

Example: Choosing a custom command name
import { BaseCommand } from 'klayr-sdk';

export class TransferCommand extends BaseCommand {
    // ...
    public get name() {
      return 'newName';
    // ...

Command parameters schema

If a command expects parameters, the parameters schema is defined in the schema property of the command. It defines which parameters are required in the transaction, and also which data types are to be expected.

If the parameters of a transaction object do not match the corresponding schema, the transaction will not be accepted by the node. The schema follows the format of a modified JSON schema[1], and should contain the following properties:


Unique identifier of the schema throughout the system.

The $id property is directly inherited from the JSON-schema. You can read more about the id property in the JSON schema documentation.

In general, adhere to the following criteria:

  • Use unique IDs across the system.

  • It is recommended to use a path like format for easy readability, but it is not an actual requirement.

To avoid mixing any schema with other registered schemas, use a fixed identifier for your app in each ID.


A short description of the schema.

type or dataType

If the data type of a property is either an object or an array, the type property must be used instead of dataType. The root type of the schema must be of type object.


A list of all required parameters.

If the schema is used for serialization, it is recommended to put all properties as required to guarantee the uniqueness of encoding.

A list of the command parameters. It also defines their data type, order, and additional properties like min and max length.

Example: Command parameters schema
export class TransferCommand extends BaseCommand {
    // ...
    public schema = {
        $id: '/klayr/transferParams',
        title: 'Transfer transaction params',
        type: 'object',
        required: ['tokenID', 'amount', 'recipientAddress', 'data'],
        properties: {
            tokenID: {
                dataType: 'bytes',
                fieldNumber: 1,
                minLength: TOKEN_ID_LENGTH,
                maxLength: TOKEN_ID_LENGTH,
            amount: {
                dataType: 'uint64',
                fieldNumber: 2,
            recipientAddress: {
                dataType: 'bytes',
                fieldNumber: 3,
                minLength: ADDRESS_LENGTH,
                maxLength: ADDRESS_LENGTH,
            data: {
                dataType: 'string',
                fieldNumber: 4,
                minLength: 0,
                maxLength: MAX_DATA_LENGTH,
    // ...

Command Lifecycle Hooks

Each command has the following Lifecycle Hooks, which are executed separately for each command in a block.

Command initialization

The init() hook of a command is called by the Klayr Framework when the node starts.

Here, you can validate and cache the module config or do initializations which should only happen once per node starts.

export class TransferCommand extends BaseCommand {
    // ...
    private _methods!: TokenMethods;
    public init(args: { methods: TokenMethods }) {
        this._methods = args.methods;
    // ...

Command verification

The hook Command.verify is called only for the command that is referenced by the module name and the command name in the transaction. Similar to the verifyTransaction hook, Command.verify will be called also in the transaction pool, and it is to ensure the verification defined in this hook is respected when the transactions are included in a block.

In this hook, the state cannot be mutated and events cannot be emitted.
export class TransferCommand extends BaseCommand {
    // ...
    public async verify(context: CommandVerifyContext<Params>): Promise<VerificationResult> {
        const { params } = context;

        try {
            validator.validate(transferParamsSchema, params);
        } catch (err) {
            return {
                status: VerifyStatus.FAIL,
                error: err as Error,
        return {
            status: VerifyStatus.OK,
    // ...
Command verification context

The context is available in every Command.execute() hook.

It allows convenient access to:

  • logger: Logger interface, to create log messages.

  • chainID: The identifier of the blockchain network, in which this command is executed.

  • transaction: The transaction triggering the command.

  • params: The command params, which were attached to the transaction.

  • getMethodContext: Module method interface, to invoke modules methods.

  • getStore: State store interface, to get and set data from/to the module stores.

CommandVerifyContext interface
export interface CommandVerifyContext<T = undefined> {
    logger: Logger;
    chainID: Buffer;
    transaction: Transaction; // without decoding params
    params: T;
    getMethodContext: () => ImmutableMethodContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => ImmutableSubStore;

Command execution

Applies the state changes through the state machine. The hook Command.execute is triggered by a transaction identified by the module name and the command name.

If the hook execution fails, the transaction that triggered this command is still valid, but the state changes applied during this hook are reverted. Additionally, an event will be emitted that provides the information on whether a command is executed successfully or failed.

In this hook, the state can be mutated and events can be emitted.
export class TransferCommand extends BaseCommand {
    // ...
    public async execute(context: CommandExecuteContext<Params>): Promise<void> {
        const { params } = context;
        await this._api.transfer(
Command execution context

The context is available in every Command.execute() hook.

It allows convenient access to:

  • logger: Logger interface, to create log messages.

  • chainID: The identifier of the blockchain network, in which this command is executed.

  • eventQueue: The event queue. See Blockchain Events for more information.

  • header: Block header.

  • assets: Block assets.

  • currentValidators: Validators of the current block generation round.

  • impliesMaxPrevote: true if the block header which includes this transaction has prevotes which follow the BFT protocol.

  • maxHeightCertified: Current height of the block in this chain which is certified.

  • certificateThreshold: BFT vote weight required to generate a certificate.

  • transaction: The transaction triggering the command.

  • params: The command params, which were attached to the transaction.

  • getMethodContext: Module method interface, to invoke modules methods.

  • getStore: State store interface, to get and set data from/to the module stores.

Interface: CommandExecuteContext
export interface CommandExecuteContext<T = undefined> {
    logger: Logger;
    chainID: Buffer;
    eventQueue: EventQueue;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    currentValidators: Validator[];
    impliesMaxPrevote: boolean;
    maxHeightCertified: number;
    certificateThreshold: bigint;
    transaction: Transaction; // without decoding params
    params: T;
    getMethodContext: () => MethodContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;

Lifecycle Hooks

The module hooks are called in a specific order during block creation and execution.

More information can be found regarding the block lifecycle in the following sections:

Never include external dynamic data to state changes in the lifecycle hooks. It will create inconsistencies/forks for nodes when syncing to the current height.


The hook insertAssets is called at the very beginning of the block generation. The assets added during the execution of this hook can be used in all the execution hooks afterwards.

For example, the seedReveal property is added to the block asset in this hook by the Random module[2].

public async insertAssets(context: InsertAssetContext): Promise<void> {}
InsertAssetContext interface
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => ImmutableSubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: WritableBlockAssets;
    getGeneratorStore: (moduleID: Buffer) => SubStore;
    getOffchainStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    getFinalizedHeight(): number;


The hook verifyAssets is only called before executing a block.

If this stage fails, the block is considered invalid and will be rejected. In particular, the following hooks will not get executed.

This hook is used for verification before any state changes. For example, at this stage, each module checks if the expected assets exist in the block.

In this hook, the state cannot be mutated and events cannot be emitted.
public async verifyAssets(context: BlockVerifyContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for verifyAssets context
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    getAPIContext: () => ImmutableAPIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => ImmutableSubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;


The hook beforeTransactionsExecute is triggered before any of the transactions of the block are processed.

In this hook, the state can be mutated and events can be emitted.
public async beforeTransactionsExecute(context: BlockExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for beforeTransactionsExecute context
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    eventQueue: EventQueue;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    currentValidators: Validator[];
    impliesMaxPrevote: boolean;
    maxHeightCertified: number;
    certificateThreshold: bigint;


The hook verifyTransaction is called for all the transactions within a block regardless of the command they trigger. This ensures that all transactions included in a block satisfy the verifications defined in this hook.

This hook is used also for transaction verification in the transaction pool to reject invalid transactions early before transmitting them to the network. For example, signature verification is done in this hook.

In this hook, the state cannot be mutated and events cannot be emitted.
public async verifyTransaction(context: TransactionVerifyContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for verifyTransaction context
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    logger: Logger;
    transaction: Transaction;
    getAPIContext: () => ImmutableAPIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => ImmutableSubStore;


The hook beforeCommandExecute allows adding business logic before the execution of a command. It is called for all the transactions within a block regardless of the command they trigger.

If the hook fails during the execution, the transaction becomes invalid and the block containing this transaction will be invalid.

In this hook, the state can be mutated and events can be emitted.
public async beforeCommandExecute(context: TransactionExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for beforeCommandExecute context
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    eventQueue: EventQueueAdder;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    transaction: Transaction;
    currentValidators: Validator[];
    impliesMaxPrevote: boolean;
    maxHeightCertified: number;
    certificateThreshold: bigint;


The hook afterCommandExecute allows adding business logic after the execution of a command. It is called for all the transactions within a block regardless of the command they trigger.

If the hook fails during the execution, the transaction becomes invalid and the block containing this transaction will be invalid.

In this hook, the state can be mutated and events can be emitted.
public async afterCommandExecute(context: TransactionExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for afterCommandExecute context
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    eventQueue: EventQueueAdder;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    transaction: Transaction;
    currentValidators: Validator[];
    impliesMaxPrevote: boolean;
    maxHeightCertified: number;
    certificateThreshold: bigint;


The hook afterTransactionsExecute is the last hook allowed to define state changes that are triggered by the block.

Additionally, when defining the afterTransactionsExecute logic for a module, the transactions included in the block are available in that context and can be used in this logic. For example, this hook can be used to sum the fees of the transactions included in a block and transfer them to the block generator.

In this hook, the state can be mutated and events can be emitted.
public async afterTransactionsExecute(context: BlockAfterExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for afterTransactionsExecute context
    logger: Logger;
    networkIdentifier: Buffer;
    eventQueue: EventQueue;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    currentValidators: Validator[];
    impliesMaxPrevote: boolean;
    maxHeightCertified: number;
    certificateThreshold: bigint;
    transactions: ReadonlyArray<Transaction>;
    setNextValidators: (
        preCommitThreshold: bigint,
        certificateThreshold: bigint,
        validators: Validator[],
    ) => void;


The hook initGenesisState is called at the beginning of the genesis block execution. Each module must initialize its state using an associated block asset.

It is recommended not to use methods from other modules because their state might not be initialized yet depending on the order of the hook execution.

public async initGenesisState(context: GenesisBlockExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for initGenesisState context
    logger: Logger;
    eventQueue: EventQueueAdder;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    setNextValidators: (
        preCommitThreshold: bigint,
        certificateThreshold: bigint,
        validators: Validator[],
    ) => void;


The hook finalizeGenesisState is called at the end of the genesis block execution.

In this hook, it can be assumed that the state initialization via initGenesisState of every module is completed and therefore methods from other modules can be used.

public async finalizeGenesisState(context: GenesisBlockExecuteContext): Promise<void> {}
Interface for finalizeGenesisState context
    logger: Logger;
    eventQueue: EventQueueAdder;
    getAPIContext: () => APIContext;
    getStore: (moduleID: Buffer, storePrefix: Buffer) => SubStore;
    header: BlockHeader;
    assets: BlockAssets;
    setNextValidators: (
        preCommitThreshold: bigint,
        certificateThreshold: bigint,
        validators: Validator[],
    ) => void;

1. See the for more information about the JSON schema.
2. See LIP 0046 Define state and state transitions of Random module for more information about the Random module.