Integrating with UI

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to integrate a user interface with the Hello Klayr application.

As defined in the Hello World application overview, this UI example should provide the following functionalities:

  • The UI should allow the user to send and later list all the Hello messages sent on the blockchain.

  • The UI should provide the account creation feature, along with fetching the details of any account.

  • The UI should have a page to transfer tokens to any account on the blockchain.

  • The UI should also provide a faucet screen, where an account can be seeded with tokens.

  • The UI should also inform the user about any errors that might occur during the aforementioned processes.

The relevant files & folders discussed in this guide are the api.js, the package.json, and the hello_frontend, respectively.

1. Preliminaries and directory structure

To jump-start with the integration directly, we have created a boilerplate UI project for you.

Throughout this guide, we will build on top of the aforementioned boilerplate UI, and integrate the features listed earlier into it.


To use this guide, it is assumed that the following criteria have been met:

  1. The hello_client has been created along with the functionalities mentioned in the "Hello World" client section.

  2. The UI template: hello_frontend which is based on the React.js and semantic-UI frameworks, has been created as described in the boilerplate’s file.

Once all the aforementioned pre-requisites have been met, the hello directory should look like the following:

├── hello_client/
└── hello_frontend/
    ├── public/
    ├── src/
    │    ├── components/ (1)
    │    │    ├── faucet.js
    │    │    ├── getAccountDetails.js
    │    │    ├── getHello.js
    │    │    ├── home.js
    │    │    ├── messageTimeline.js
    │    │    ├── newAccount.js
    │    │    ├── sendHello.js
    │    │    └── transfer.js
    │    ├── layout/
    │    │    └── header.js
    │    ├── App.css
    │    ├── App.js
    │    ├── App.test.js
    │    ├── index.css
    │    ├── index.js
    │    ├── logo.png
    │    ├── reportWebVitals.js
    │    └── setupTest.ts
    ├── package-lock.json
    └── package.json
1 Contains all the web pages, that will provide the aforementioned functionalities.

2. Installing dependencies

Now, navigate to the hello_frontend folder and install the @klayr/client package. Through klayr-client, the UI will communicate with the hello_client.

npm install @klayr/client --save

Next, install buffer to hello_frontend.

npm install --save buffer

Our frontend will use the BigInt type in the transaction creation process, therefore it is required to update the eslintConfig object in the package.json to match the following:

  // [...]
    "eslintConfig": {
    "extends": [
    "env": {
        "es2020": true,
        "browser": true,
        "node": true,
        "mocha": true
  // [...]

After updating the package.json file, install the dependencies in the hello_frontend:

npm install

3. Creating api.js

Inside the hello_frontend/src directory, create a file called api.js. This script file will contain the code to fetch an instance of apiClient. With apiClient, the frontend will be able to invoke endpoints, create and send transactions, etc.

// Always use the browser version of the '@klayr/client' for UI projects.
import { apiClient } from '@klayr/client/browser';

const RPC_ENDPOINT = 'ws://localhost:7887/rpc-ws';

let clientCache;

export const getClient = async () => {
    if (!clientCache) {
        clientCache = await apiClient.createWSClient(RPC_ENDPOINT);
    return clientCache;