Class GeneratorExportCommandAbstract




_client: undefined | APIClient
_dataPath: string
_metadata: ModuleMetadataJSON[]
_schema: RegisteredSchema
argv: string[]
baseIPCClientFlags: BaseIPCClientFlags
config: Config
debug: ((...args: any[]) => void)

Type declaration

    • (...args: any[]): void
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns void

id: undefined | string
_base: string
_enableJsonFlag: boolean
_flags: FlagInput<{
    [flag: string]: any;

A hash of flags for the command

_globalFlags: FlagInput<{
    [flag: string]: any;
aliases: string[]

An array of aliases for this command.

args?: ArgInput

An order-dependent array of arguments for the command

deprecateAliases?: boolean

Emit deprecation warning when a command alias is used

deprecationOptions?: Deprecation
description: string = 'Export to <FILE>.'

A full description of how to use the command.

If no summary, the first line of the description will be used as the summary.

examples: string[] = ...

An array of examples to show at the end of the command's help.

IF only a string is provided, it will try to look for a line that starts with the cmd.bin as the example command and the rest as the description. If found, the command will be formatted appropriately.

A description of a particular use case.

$ <%= config.bin => command flags
flags: {
    data-path: OptionFlag<undefined | string>;
    output: OptionFlag<undefined | string>;
    pretty: BooleanFlag<boolean>;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • data-path: OptionFlag<undefined | string>
  • output: OptionFlag<undefined | string>
  • pretty: BooleanFlag<boolean>
help: undefined | string
hidden: boolean

Hide the command from help

id: string

A command ID, used mostly in error or verbose reporting.

parse: boolean
parserOptions: {}

Type declaration

    plugin: undefined | Plugin
    run: ((argv?: string[], config?: LoadOptions) => PromiseLike<any>)

    Type declaration

      • (argv?: string[], config?: LoadOptions): PromiseLike<any>
      • instantiate and run the command


        • Optional argv: string[]


        • Optional config: LoadOptions

        Returns PromiseLike<any>

    state?: string

    Mark the command as a given state (e.g. beta or deprecated) in help

    strict: boolean

    When set to false, allows a variable amount of arguments

    summary?: string

    The tweet-sized description for your class, used in a parent-commands sub-command listing and as the header for the command help.

    usage: undefined | string | string[]

    An override string (or strings) for the default usage documentation.


    • get ctor(): typeof default
    • Returns typeof default

    • get enableJsonFlag(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set enableJsonFlag(value: boolean): void
    • Parameters

      • value: boolean

      Returns void

    • get globalFlags(): FlagInput<{
          [flag: string]: any;
    • Returns FlagInput<{
          [flag: string]: any;

    • set globalFlags(flags: FlagInput<{
          [flag: string]: any;
      }>): void
    • Parameters

      • flags: FlagInput<{
            [flag: string]: any;

      Returns void


    • Type Parameters

      • T

      Returns Promise<undefined | T>

    • Parameters

      • err: CommandError

      Returns Promise<any>

    • Parameters

      • input: string | Error
      • options: {
            code?: string;
            exit: false;
        } & PrettyPrintableError

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • input: string | Error
      • Optional options: {
            code?: string;
            exit?: number;
        } & PrettyPrintableError

      Returns never

    • Parameters

      • Optional code: number

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Optional message: string
      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Optional message: string
      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns void

    • Type Parameters

      • F extends FlagOutput

      • G extends FlagOutput

      • A extends {
            [name: string]: any;


      • Optional options: Input<F, G>
      • Optional argv: string[]

      Returns Promise<ParserOutput<F, G, A>>

    • Parameters

      • err: unknown

      Returns any

    • Parameters

      • result: unknown

      Returns any

    • Parameters

      • input: string | Error

      Returns string | Error

    • Parameters

      • flags: Record<string, unknown>

      Returns void

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